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Buy Hybrid Strains

If you like the benefits of both Sativa and Indica cannabis but want the best of both worlds, look no further than to balanced Hybrid strains. Hybrid weed is cultivated with a mix of Sativa and Indica plants which makes it have distinct characteristics from the two strains. Because of this, Hybrids are able to provide properties that create both head and body highs. That being said, there are various types of Hybrids—some are more dominant in certain cannabinoids and terpenes. Find out more about the unique and major cannabis product and shop our selection of Hybrid weed below.

Hybrid Weed: A Mix of Indica And Sativa

The main thing you need to know when you browse through our collection of Hybrids is that they have a balance of Sativa and Indica qualities. Sativa is known to provide users with a cerebral, euphoric high effect. Indica weed acts oppositely and causes a more relaxing and sedative impact on the body. When you buy Hybrid weed, you are essentially getting a bit of both. Look to see if a strain is “Sativa-dominant” or “Indica-dominant”—this will inform you of the type of experience you’ll likely have when you use it. More often than not, when you’re buying weed, you for the most part aren’t getting a pure Sativa strain or pure Indica strain but instead a Sativa-dominant or Indica-dominant Hybrid strain.

Sativa-Dominant Hybrid Strains

It’s important to understand that Sativa-dominant Hybrid weed will likely work to increase you focus and energy and is ideal for daytime use. In terms of physical attributes, Sativa-dominant buds will express more of a red or orange hue and have long, whispy hairs that are loosely packed together. Hybrids that have a heavier Sativa concentration than Indica are more associated with feelings of exhilaration and euphoria. When you buy a Sativa-dominant Hybrid strain, it typically has a higher Cannabidiol (CBD) concentration, a cannabinoid that’s known to cause slight psychoactive effects. When balanced with Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in a Hybrid, this key characteristic of higher CBD concentration is thought to mellow out the “high” feeling caused by THC. But all variations of Hybrid weeds are different. The best way to know, is to try a variety and see which balance of concentrations suits your needs.

Indica-Dominant Hybrid Strains

Indica-dominant Hybrid strains will carry more properties of the Indica plant, which often means it will have a higher concentration of Tetrahydrocannabinol. This particular cannabinoid creates a psychoactive effect and can be linked to appetite stimulation and helping to reduce nausea and vomiting when used for medicinal purposes. An Indica-dominant Hybrid bud may look shorter and more compact with a purple hue. It’s typically more ideal for nighttime use as they can create more intense body effects including loose limbs and muscles.

Balanced Hybrid Strains

A truly balanced Hybrid strain of weed will hold a 50/50 balance of Indica and Sativa. This type of cannabis will work to provide an overall balanced effect that impacts both the mind and body.

Hybrid Weed In All Varieties

Because of various cross-breeding techniques and ways Hybrid weed has been cultivated, there are so many different varieties that are considered Hybrids. THC and CBD cannabinoids can be found in both Sativa and Indica plants thus, you’ll likely have a mix of both when purchasing Hybrids. These strains will also vary in potency. Some might have a more mild or high potency depending on the actual concentration of cannabinoids.

Hybrid Weed From Cannabismarkett

Cannabis markett has a wide assortment of Hybrid strains. You have the flexibility to choose varieties based on the effects and types of benefits you want to experience. Click through to each product to see exact concentrations and properties offered in each and shop Buy My Weed Online for all your cannabis-related needs.

Showing 1–9 of 32 results

  • Hybrid

    Agent Orange

    Rated 0 out of 5
    3.5 GRAMS
    7 GRAMS
    14 GRAMS
    1/2 Pound
    1/4 pound
    1 Pound
  • Hybrid

    Banana Kush

    Rated 0 out of 5
    3.5 GRAMS
    7 GRAMS
    14 GRAMS
    1/4 pound
    1/2 Pound
    1 Pound
  • Hybrid

    Blue Dream

    Rated 0 out of 5
    3.5 GRAMS
    7 GRAMS
    14 GRAMS
    1/4 pound
    1/2 Pound
    1 Pound
  • Hybrid


    Rated 0 out of 5
    3.5 GRAMS
    7 GRAMS
    14 GRAMS
    1/4 pound
    1/2 Pound
    1 Pound
  • Hybrid

    Candy Kush

    Rated 0 out of 5
    3.5 GRAMS
    7 GRAMS
    14 GRAMS
    1/4 pound
    1/2 Pound
    1 Pound
  • Hybrid


    Rated 0 out of 5
    3.5 GRAMS
    7 GRAMS
    14 GRAMS
    1/4 pound
    1/2 Pound
    1 Pound
  • Hybrid


    Rated 0 out of 5
    3.5 GRAMS
    7 GRAMS
    14 GRAMS
    1/4 pound
    1/2 Pound
    1 Pound
  • Hybrid


    Rated 0 out of 5
    3.5 GRAMS
    7 GRAMS
    14 GRAMS
    1/4 pound
    1/2 Pound
    1 Pound
  • Hybrid

    Cherry Pie

    Rated 0 out of 5
    3.5 GRAMS
    7 GRAMS
    14 GRAMS
    1/4 pound
    1/2 Pound
    1 Pound
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